Monthly Archives: January 2013

New Year’s Resolutions – Something to consider?

A large number of people from all walks of life will have made New Year’s Resolutions. Some will have broken them already.

Many people take such things lightheartedly, others take the process very seriously. There will be some the shrug off failure, some that regret making a resolution, some who downplay success. In other words how well someone does with their resolution and how they feel about it will vary greatly.

I tend not to make resolutions, mostly as I know I am not good at keeping them. Also partly as I don’t have a clue what sort of resolution I could really work on.

I am already trying to increase my fitness and reduce my weight, so I can’t make this a resolution. I’m already re-evaluating my career, so again not really resolution material. And I’m already writing more, so again not really working there.

And I am happy with this.

The thing is when you set yourself a New Year’s Resolution do remember what it means to you. Don’t set it too high if failing will hurt. Don’t set it too low if you really want to be stretched and know that failing is a possibility but trying is worth the risk.


  • You set the rules so you get to measure the success
  • You can change the rules, they are yours after all
  • You can keep your resolution secret
  • Failure just means you can try again
  • Some success is still a success

Don’t put yourself under pressure if you know pressure is already high enough. But if you made a New Year’s Resolution good luck with it.

Maybe I’ll make one next year…